Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Saul to Paul Transformation

On Feb. 1, 2011 I had a very vivid dream:

I was at a McDonalds and this guy was talking about me rather rudely. I said some words to him about talking about me and asked why he had such a problem with me. To which he replied, you're fat and lazy while prancing around like a crazy man. I said to him that he was dancing around like a queer. He said to me these words, AT LEAST WE HAVE JESUS. I became angry and said why do you have to bring Jesus in to this? I started to speak very harshly and whatnot and wanted to fight him.

Then the dream changed to me being this guy walking out of McDonalds and got into a fight with another person and the guy shot me in the head.

Then I was being thrown down this road being tossed around and bruised and bloodied. I was then at this place in a valley surrounded by mountains and I shouted out that I will climb these mountains and reach God and shout out praises to Him.

I was then moving very fast down a busy street and these word were given to me, SLOW DOWN, STAY WITHIN YOUR MEANS, AND ALWAYS LOVE JESUS.

Which at the end of all that I was sobbing and I thus, through all the tears, finally and truly gave my life to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

The interpretation:

At the beginning of the dream I felt I was being persecuted and retaliated very harshly to the man in my dream. When the man spoke the words, AT LEAST WE HAVE JESUS, I was angry that the guy had mentioned Jesus in the conversation because at this time in my life when I had this dream I was not following the Lord's ways and rebelling. My anger at the man in the dream symbolized me persecuting Jesus. That thought ROCKED me like you wouldn't believe.

Now the guy(me) walking out of McDonalds and fighting another man was me fighting with my old self and the result of me being shot was me dying to my old self. Which ties into the end of the dream when I give my life to Christ.

The road I was being thrown down and tossed around getting bruised and bloodied was narrow. This symbolized the narrow gate and the way Jesus spoke about in Matthew 7:13-14

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

He was showing me that my life isn't going to be easy and I'm going to get bruised and bloodied along the way.

But, as the next part of the dream shows, me being in the valley struggling, I climb the mountians to the top and shout praises to the Lord. Now, we shouldn't just shout out praises at the mountain tops. We should be shouting praises all the time.

The rest of the dream is pretty self explanitory.

Sidewalk Prophets, The Words I would Say:

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